+ Eno stopalo je odrezano, ker sem se slikala v ogledalu, da pa ni noge, sem opazila šele, ko sem šla obdelovat sliko. :S

10:20 a.m.
The sales clerk regales me with the story of a woman who emerged from a fitting room in a leather jacket asking, "Does this fit me?" A group of girls waiting in line respond on cue: "No, it looks ugly and it does not fit you!"
10:09 a.m.
A group of women are found huddled in the store's menswear department, bartering their pile of items. "I'll trade you this belt for that bag."
si kar predstavljam :S
Ali pa da možu narišeš mapo in risbo majice, ki si jo želiš, ter ga pošlješ v roj besnih žensk..
Bi se šle boriti zraven ali se vam vse skupaj zdi ena velika bedarija?
In Hollywood, it is not uncommon to see couples kiss, hug, and overall showing loving affection in public. But in the Korean Entertainment world, you do not see many stars out and about with their significant other without big hats, sunglasses, or over-sized clothing in an attempt to hide their relationship,let alone smooching right out in the open and on a stage no less! Hwayobi and Sleepy, who publicly announced their relationship are further cementing their couple status with a public kiss at Untouchable's mini concert. More pictures below:
Hwayobi was attending her man's concert to sing her part on the song "It's Okay" from Untouchable's first album Quiet Storm. She also sang "Half" off her newest minialbum and Alicia Key's "If I Ain't Got You." Sleepy initiated the show of affection: the couple has been together for 3 months. I personally hope to see more stars being open and able to have relationsips without public crticism!
credits: soompiradio