Mnet piccies ^_^

[AUD] 081006 Bigeastation #80 - Lovin U situation (EngSubbed)

here are the starry night parts translated..the embed code were disabled so...enjoy!imma watch them righ now ^_^
[DBSK] 081001 PKL's Starry Night Part 1 (ENG SUBS)
[DBSK] 081001 PKL's Starry Night Part 3 (ENG SUBS)
[DBSK] 081001 PKL's Starry Night Part 4 (ENG SUBS)
[DBSK] 081001 PKL's Starry Night Part 5 (ENG SUBS)
[DBSK] 081001 PKL's Starry Night Part 6 (ENG SUBS)
[DBSK] 081001 PKL's Starry Night Part 7 (ENG SUBS)
[DBSK] 081001 PKL's Starry Night Part 8 (ENG SUBS)
[DBSK] 081001 PKL's Starry Night Part 9 (ENG SUBS)
[DBSK] 081001 PKL's Starry Night Part 10 (ENG SUBS)
Two more weeks and our(me and Lelis') album is here!! Kyaaaa anxious

Now here's an article i minutiously prepared since yesterday keke^_^. Me and Lelis wanted to do this a long time ago but never got the chance to. So here it is..i did it today!
I also want to take advantage of this post and congratulate her and for the 10.000 visitors we acomplished toghether! I love u cousin dear mwah XOXO.
Yes we(lelis and kity) are romanians,yes this is where the whole dracula story started.Yes we like vampire stories..but…I’m afraid I’m gonna hafta` dissapoint you…Vlad Tepes was not a vampire! Sad I know…It all started here,in Romania...but not really.It all started with Vlad the impaler who was a cruel,heartless man who impaled many people to make others fear him!…and because of this cruelness people associated his thirst for killing with the thirst of a vampire man for blood..When Bram Stocker had all his datas for his novel gathered(inspired from his dreams)which reminds me of stephenie meyer..the writer of twiligh(vampire love story)..remember she wrote the whole thing after she dreamt it and guess what the book was a best seller!yeap yeap..hmm makes me think..what if vampires DO exist and they “inspire” us throught our dreams and give us the informations we need to know about them,let us know about their existance?eh?nevermind I m loosing it! Anyway as i was saying..the only thing missing in Bram Stocker's novel was a perfect name for his vampire. He didn’t have the name for his vampire he searched in the Transilvanian history and found Vlad Tepes who was considered a cruel EVIL man those days.DRACU(romanian term for devil)=DRACULA. Sorry to dissapoint u guys but Vlad Tepes was not a vampire…he wasn’t dracula either,he just helped at the name a little. Another famous vampire contess was Elisabeth Bathory,which is told about that she used to drink virgin’s blood to mentain her youth,and soon she became history and also called the “blood contess "because she also kinda had a blood thirst but not for sucking it.(she killed 612 wemen).So neither Bathory-a psycopath in search of eternal youth who lived of virgin blood but still she was not an undead ,nor Vlad the impaler “brutal sadist..but bloodsucker he was not”.
Could Jae be a vampire? Well..let's see? What are the facts?
1) A vampire should be capable of dazzling someone very easy.
~~ i think this pic checks that ^_^ ~~
2)A vampire is expresionless

~double checked!!!


mmm checked!!
Sunset mhm or as i like to call it..TWILIGHT, yeap it inspires vampires stories:)

Also about that blood-sucking hmm as u probably know..and see in the movies nowadays,vampires are introduced as a part of society,they live among us and they found ways of surviving withouth having to feed with our blood,,,one way would be sintetic blood(V) ^_^ I watch too many vampire movies yeah i know!! :))
so cheers to you jae.enjoy ur beer(sintetic blood that is) hahah jk.jk

hmm could he...really....

aish the reflexion in the mirror is a busted mith anyway in his case hehe
and he does love silver mith busted too^_^

It is often talked about a vampire as a prince..count dracula,prince dracula whateverand he does love silver mith busted too^_^

well,here's my prince^_^ in Prague...kekeke
medieval look and charm

a dedication from me to JAE :))) hahaahathis way i can introduce u to some romanian artists too^_^ hehe enjoy! sadly..they were desqualified.I personally enjoyed this song.
Andra & Simplu - Dracula, My Love(Romania Eurovision SF)
B4 I GO:
Very very! Random stuff!
Don’t u just hate it when u have pc freak? *asfkahfsadasjd
I know life is not always pink..but I wish it could be!
We always have to tell ourselves:”This shall pass too..” ,right?
Do you believe in destiny?
I’d love it if people were only born with this option u see at antiviruses..”fix/repair”
Please take care of your health!(yes u the one who is reading this now!)
Try to be kinder…
I just saw THE greatest movie ever! “My sassy girl” american version..i strongly recomand it!
Very very! Random stuff!
Don’t u just hate it when u have pc freak? *asfkahfsadasjd
I know life is not always pink..but I wish it could be!
We always have to tell ourselves:”This shall pass too..” ,right?
Do you believe in destiny?
I’d love it if people were only born with this option u see at antiviruses..”fix/repair”
Please take care of your health!(yes u the one who is reading this now!)
Try to be kinder…
I just saw THE greatest movie ever! “My sassy girl” american version..i strongly recomand it!
credits:ginnele@multiply+as tagged+2uangels