Seven wives of Brigham Young, 1899. Back, L-R: Naamah Carter Young,
While it comes as no surprise that the Utah Supreme Court has overturned the
wives of Brigham Young
[Brigham with some of his wives]
Brigham Young's wives
Second LDS Church leader Brigham Young had 55 wives.
Abigail (Nabby) Howe Young. A drawing made from an early pencil sketch by
Daughters of Brigham Young Back, L- R: Miriam Hardy, Phoebe Beatie,
Brigham Young and 21 of His Wives, The Prophet .
[Brigham's Wives: Cott, Folsom, Webb, Barney]
Brigham Young
Polygamy - Brigham Young's 10 Wives Religious
One or two of his wives maintained the home year around. Brigham Young
Brigham Young
Brigham Young and 21 of His Wives, The Prophet .
Brigham Young married many wife's, being the polygamist he was.
Brigham Young Beehive House. Joseph Smith Mansion
View large photo of Wives of Brigham Young BIOG FILE - Young,
Ann Eliza Webb Dee Young Denning 1844-1925 - House Brigham Young gave to her
but have you SEEN the pictures of Brigham Young's wives?